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What We Do
Headquartered in the GTA, NCI Canada is a privately-owned company specialized in the development, manufacturing and distribution of high-quality valves, fittings, strainers and gauges. With over 25 years of industry experience, NCI Canada is recognized as one of Canada's leading master distributors, and are proud to service wholesale, retail and OEM customers. We stock ov
Categories (8)
Automatisation / Automation, Chauffage hydronique / Hydronic Heating, Instruments, Jauges / Instruments, Gauges, Outillage et accessoires / Tools and Accessories, Pièces et fournitures CVC / HVAC Parts & Supplies, Protection incendie / Fire Protection, Robinets et raccords / Valves & Fittings, Soupapes, Vannes / Valves
2305 Chemin Wyecroft
Oakville, ON L6L 6R2